An “Invite-only” networking event for college/ university leadership

Date: Friday October 7, 2022 | Time: 4:00-6:00 PM

Where: Session will be held in offline mode at Venture Center campus

Outline of the Program: Outline

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  • Practical Pointers on Improving Innovation and Entrepreneurship Performance
  • Exploring ideas and avenues for industry academia partnerships
  • Bridging gap between Industry and Academia

About the Speaker:

Abhay Jere, PhD

Chief Innovation Officer,
Ministry of Education,
Govt. of India.

Dr. Abhay Jere is the Chief Innovation Officer for Ministry of Education, Govt. of India. He is also the brain and driving force behind annual initiative ‘Smart India Hackathon’ which has now evolved as ‘World’s Biggest Hackathon and largest Open Innovation Model’. He is instrumental in conceptualizing first‐of its’ kind ‘Atal Innovation Ranking framework (ARIIA)’ for ranking all education institutions in India on their innovation achievements. He conceptualized ‘Institution’s Innovation Councils (IIC)’, to guide education institutions for establishing innovation ecosystem. Dr. Jere designed ‘National Innovation and Startup Policy for Faculty and Students’ to help enable students and faculty of higher education institutions to work on their innovation, startup and enterprise. Dr. Jere is also a very active scientist in field of biology and bioinformatics. He is the main brain behind ‘Human Atlas initiative‐Manav’ and currently its National Coordinator. Dr. Jere has published more than 20 research papers in very prestigious international journals and contributed to multiple book chapters. Dr. Jere received multiple awards like Digital Thought Leadership Award by World Assessment Council, Boston USA, Distinguished Alumni Award by ICT, Mumbai and Dr. Shyama Prasad Mookerjee Award.